When a person harbors unforgiveness, it can have grave physical consequences. It causes muscle tension, digestion becomes inhibited, blood flow becomes restricted and the immune system is weakened. Psychological and medical studies have shown multiple benefits of forgiveness. Forgiveness can result in improved mental health as it reduces feelings of anger, anxiety, fear and depression. Counselors have used the power of forgiveness as a tool to assist victims of sex related crimes, substance abusers and cancer patients overcome a negative outlook on life and pursue positive thinking.
So now we know forgiveness is a tonic to the mind and body, but what about the soul? Let's take a look at a couple real life examples of the power of forgiveness.
Saul of Tarsus. He was a vicious man. He was taught that Jesus was a fraud and Christians were terrorists. Saul made it his business to extinguish all Christians from the planet to end the spread of Christianity. Until one day, Jesus sought out Saul and made Himself visible to Saul. Upon seeing Jesus and hearing His voice, Saul repented of his sins and became the most prolific prophet in the New Testament. He even changed his name to Paul in an attempt to put his past life behind him. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross made it possible for a murderer like Saul to turn from his wicked ways and be recreated into Paul, one of the biggest proponents of Christianity.
Jeffrey Dahmer. He was a pedophile, murderer and cannibal. Anyone who remembers his story would recall Dahmer as an evil, disgusting, wicked human being. He lured young men into his home, drugged, raped and tortured them, then murdered them and ate their flesh. The worst part is he was found to be fully conscious of his actions. He was not considered insane; he was just evil and filled with hate. After his conviction, Dahmer was sentenced to prison. While in prison, he was inspired to attend church services and eventually accepted Jesus as his savior. The Word of God transformed this evil man into a born again believer. He was murdered while serving time in prison.
One of the biggest issues I faced when I rededicated my life to Christ was forgiveness. It was nothing for me to forgive others but for some reason, it took quite some time for me to accept God's forgiveness. I wasn't into such heinous acts as Saul and Dahmer however the life I led before Christ haunted me for so long, it was just difficult for me to accept that I was worthy of forgiveness.
I have learned there is nothing we can do that is so terrible that God cannot forgive. With God, all things are possible, including unlimited forgiveness. When we repent (admit we were wrong, seek God's forgiveness and turn away from ungodly habits) God erases our sins from His memory and cradles us in His loving arms! It's an amazing feeling to know how gracious and merciful our God is!
In return for His forgiveness, we must forgive others who commit evil against us. As children of God, we must follow His lead and mirror His steps. As Jesus hung dying on the cross, He cried out to God for the forgiveness of those who wrongly persecuted Him.
Forgiving others has positive effects on our souls because by mirroring God's grace and mercy, we become closer to God. Our actions will inspire others to desire a relationship with God. So let's shed any hatred, any bitterness, any burdens and choose to let go of unforgiveness. Let's celebrate in the power of God to forgive each other and accept His forgiveness!