Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ask God

One of my favorite pastimes in my youth was reading.  From the time I learned to read, I could remember reading everything I could get my hands on.  If I didn’t have a good book handy, I would read my textbooks from school!

After I was advised that reading textbooks for fun was really NOT fun, I moved on to other pieces of literature such as my grandma’s old newspapers and magazines.  My favorite section of the newspapers and magazines quickly became the advice columns.  Most of the topics discussed didn’t even relate to me; I just enjoyed reading it to find out the solution provided by the “advice giver”.  I often wondered what made the advice giver such an expert on life to have all the answers to all life’s problem.  This advice giver must be so wise to be able to tell a complete stranger how to improve their life after receiving a very small piece of information about the issue.  And this person who sought out advice from a complete stranger must be in a pretty desperate situation if they couldn’t find someone more qualified to talk with about the issue.

When I have a problem, the first thing that pops into my head is Matthew 6:33.  In Matthew 6, Jesus was giving instructions to his disciples on how to pray.  Jesus then went on to illustrate why they should never worry about their needs being supplied because God, their heavenly Father, would take care of them the same way He takes care of nature.  Jesus stated, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.”  From the mouth of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I am advised to seek God FIRST to solve my problems. WOW!

Who is more qualified to provide wise counsel when you are going through hard times; a stranger or God?  We can go straight to 1 Corinthians 1:25 for the answer to that question.  The scripture states, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”  Knowing the Bible, the Word of God, can help you figure out solutions to your own problems.  There is no need to go to some unqualified source for information on vital issues in your life. 

My advice to you is to ask God to help you resolve your problems.  He knows you better than you know yourself and He will never lead you in the wrong direction.  Learn to trust in God in all things and He will help you grow wiser.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

You are where you are supposed to be...

Have you ever seen a postcard with a beautiful image of some exotic , tropical beach with the words “I Wish You Were Here” printed across the bottom?

 Have you ever been speaking to a loved one over the phone and shared a sentimental moment in which you or your loved one said, “Oh, I wish I were there with you instead of here…”?

Have you ever been in a tight spot which caused you such pain and distress that you wished, prayed and hoped with all your might to be delivered from that situation?

If you replied “yes” to any of those questions, then you were where you were supposed to be!

Several years ago, I came up with a quote, “You are where you want to be”.  I had heard enough people make excuses why they couldn’t assist me in my time of need.  I heard enough excuses of why people settle into mediocre lives.  I heard those excuses so often it sounded like a rehearsed speech!  I began to tell myself I would not make a habit of telling people, “Oh, I wish I could help you but…” or “I wish I could be there but…”  I was going to start being exactly where I wanted to be!  So if my heart was telling me to help a friend in need, even if it meant I would be overextending myself, I would do it to help my friend.  Or if my children wanted to do something spontaneous over the weekend, even if it meant I was inconvenienced, I would rearrange my plans to make them happy.  Most importantly, I vowed I would not live a life filled with regrets.  I would make the most of ever situation and circumstance and transform each “test” into a “testimony”!

My young adult years were very rough.  I went through so many trials and tribulations, it was impossible to determine where one ended and the other began.  I spent so much valuable time wallowing in guilt and regret; I was unable to realize that each new day is a new beginning.  One mistake doesn’t need to lead to a lifetime of mistakes!  It is important to learn from our mistakes and make better decisions in the future.  One of my absolute favorite verses is Psalms 40:1-3.  The author writes, “I waited patiently on the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire.  He set my feet upon a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”  I memorized that scripture immediately upon reading it because I totally understood what it felt like to be laying in a slimy pit of mud and mire.  I desperately wanted God to rescue me from that place and take me to an exotic postcard paradise.  I prayed and I waited and eventually I was delivered!  I was no longer in the slimy pit because I no longer wanted to be there.

After I was delivered from that messy life, I was able to reflect on the things I had been through.  I realized that even though those times were not the best, they helped me learn valuable life lessons.  Those experiences put me in a position to relate to others who may be going through similar issues so that I can share my testimony and give others hope for a better future.  I was where I was supposed to be all along.

Do yourself a favor.  If you want a new life, pray to God and meditate on His word.  Be filled with His Holy Spirit and live a life that is pleasing to God.  You will see your life transform before your eyes like magic!  Don’t make up excuses.  It is never too late to change your landscape…