Monday, January 9, 2017

You do this and I'll do that

At various moments in life, we all find ourselves in need of supernatural intervention.  Whether you are saved or not, we all experience seasons of hardship that we can’t overcome on our own strength.  Fortunately, I am saved (and I pray you are too) and I can call on my Heavenly Father to assist me during hard times.

I recently read 2 Chronicles 7:14 during my devotional time and it truly inspired me.  This scripture gave me clarity on my relationship with God.  It’s pretty selfish of me to constantly ask for help from God without giving anything in return.  This scripture showed me that my relationship with God is give and take, similar to any of our natural relationships.

God seeks certain behavior from His people just like parents expect certain behavior from the children in their care.  We teach our children to be obedient and to honor us.  Likewise, God has instructed us to honor and obey Him.  We are not perfect parents but we have high expectations of our children.  If those expectations aren’t met, consequences are often applied.  God is perfection and He has the highest expectations for us.  Of course there are consequences for disobedience but oh what blessings come to those who obey!

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God says we must do four things during times of hardship and in return, God will do three things.  So what did God tell us to do?

We – as God’s chosen people – must
1          1.)    Humble ourselves (James 4:6, Psalm 25:9)
2          2.)    Pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 6:5-15)
3          3.)    Seek His face (Matthew 6:33, John 14:15, Isaiah 55:6-7)
4          4.)    Turn from our wicked ways (Acts 3:19, Deuteronomy 10:12-13)

If we do those things, what did God promise to do in return?

He will
1         1.)    Hear from heaven (1 John 5:14, John 9:31, Psalm 66:17-20)
2         2.)    Forgive our sins (1 John 1:9, Psalm 34:17-20)
3         3.)    Restore our land (Job 42:10, Deuteronomy 30:3-4, Acts 15:16, Isaiah 19:22, Zechariah 1:3)

So if you are in the midst of a rough season, look to The Word to give you guidance and wisdom on how to make it through.  Follow God’s instructions and He will deliver you and make you better than you were before!  Remember, you must do your part in your relationship with God to receive the blessings He is able and willing to offer.