Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Breath of Fresh Air

True Story:

“So, what made you want to become a police officer?” Mrs. Martinez asked inquisitively.

On this particular day, I was feeling rather broken and beat down.  I was not in a small talk mood nor was I excited to share personal information with a stranger.  Mrs. Martinez, however, appeared to be a very kind hearted person so I decided to let my guard down just a tiny bit.  “Well, it wasn’t my first career choice but I tried it after being referred by a friend and now I know it was the best decision for me.  I enjoy being a police officer and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else,” I replied.

Mrs. Martinez, with her bright, bubbly self, responded, “I asked because my nephew is in high school and he wants to pursue a career in law enforcement.  I love my nephew like he is my own son so I have been doing some research into the profession...”

Oh, another one of these people, I thought to myself.  Slightly annoyed but feeling the need to be blunt, I decided to give Mrs. Martinez a bit of “wisdom”.  “Well in that case ma’am, I would strongly advise you to encourage him to reconsider, especially if he is smart.  He can choose countless other professions that would allow him to have a good quality of life.  Law enforcement is not a career that I recommend to any young person.”  I felt very proud of myself after delivering that answer and was confident that the conversation was over however I was unfortunately mistaken. 

“What if someday one of your children decides they want to be a police officer?”  Mrs. Martinez asked innocently.

That question unnerved me.  My response clearly showed I was not at all receptive to that possibility.  “I will tell them no thanks! Do something else, anything else!  Just because I am the police doesn’t mean they have to be the police.  This job is highly stressful and highly dangerous.  It’s very demanding physically, mentally and emotionally.  I would rather they use their talents to explore other career options.”

Mrs. Martinez retreated into her bedroom and returned with a small book in her hand.  “I feel led by The Spirit to share this with you,” Mrs. Martinez stated confidently as she handed the book over to me.  The book was titled, “Psalm 91 for Mothers”.  “I can sense you will be open to the message inside this book.  I want you to know God is protecting you and He is also protecting your family.  Continue to have faith in Him and He will continue to guide your footsteps along the path He has designated for you to follow.  I won’t hold you up any longer.  I will be praying for you.”

My spirit immediately felt refreshed and rejuvenated as I listened to the words this woman of God spoke to me.  I truly believe God placed her in my path that day to help left me out of my funk and put my mind back on things that are of God.  Throughout life, we often feel the weight of the world bearing down on us and it may cause us to temporarily lose focus.  It is important to be in constant communication with God during those times so that we can receive His strength.  Not only will we be relieved from those heavy burdens but we can also minister to another who needs to be refreshed in the spirit.  I haven’t finished the book yet but I have meditated on the scripture multiple times since then and now I am going to share it with you…

Psalm 91 (NIRV)

The person who rests in the shadow of the Most High God
    will be kept safe by the Mighty One.
I will say about the Lord,
    “He is my place of safety.
He is like a fort to me.
    He is my God. I trust in him.”

God is a source of protection and shelter.  In Him, we find rest during turbulent times when we trust in Him to fulfill His promises. 

He will certainly save you from hidden traps
    and from deadly sickness.
He will cover you with his wings.
    Under the feathers of his wings you will find safety.
    He is faithful. He will keep you safe like a shield or a tower.
You won’t have to be afraid of the terrors that come during the night.
    You won’t have to fear the arrows that come at you during the day.
You won’t have to be afraid of the sickness that attacks in the darkness.
    You won’t have to fear the plague that destroys at noon.
A thousand may fall dead at your side.
    Ten thousand may fall near your right hand.
    But no harm will come to you.
You will see with your own eyes
    how God punishes sinful people.

God will provide us with wisdom to avoid pitfalls, temptations and other distractions.  Even when we feel alone, God is there to strengthen and encourage us.  Just as God is faithful to us, we must remain faithful to Him at all times and watch Him perform miracles, signs and wonders in our lives.  There is no disease He can’t cure, no situation He can’t overcome, and no person He can’t overpower.  We can face this world without fear knowing that God is with us. 

The Lord is the one who keeps you safe.
    So let the Most High God be like a home to you.
10 Then no harm will come to you.
    No terrible plague will come near your tent.
11 The Lord will command his angels
    to take good care of you.
12 They will lift you up in their hands.
    Then you won’t trip over a stone.
13 You will walk all over lions and cobras.
    You will crush mighty lions and poisonous snakes.

We must allow the Holy Spirit to fill us by praying, meditating on God’s Word being obedient to God’s Commands.  His way is the only way to salvation.  We will walk through this life as Overcomers if we allow His Spirit to dwell in us.

14 The Lord says, “I will save the one who loves me.
    I will keep him safe, because he trusts in me.
15 He will call out to me, and I will answer him.
    I will be with him in times of trouble.
    I will save him and honor him.
16 I will give him a long and full life.
    I will save him.”

God doesn’t promise our lives will be perfect.  He actually gives us a “heads up” that we will run into troubled times.  God will not allow us to be defeated if we show Him we love Him, trust Him and depend on Him.  God will send us a lifeboat when we are sinking.  He will save us from the wicked, evil ways of this world and bless us abundantly. 

Don’t ignore Mrs. Martinez when God places her in your path.  She can be the source of salvation sent by God to help lift you out of your pit of despair.  Life is frustrating at times; one day everything is perfect and the next day you feel like you’re dying.  We go through seasons of famine and seasons of plenty.  With God as our fortress and refuge, our shelter in times of storms, we don’t need to go through hard times sulking and looking pitiful.  We can continue to rejoice because we are confident that He is there to comfort us along the darkest valleys until we reach His glorious light!

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