Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Sickness

Judge Judy is a very wise woman.  She sometimes tells of a pint of blueberries with one rotten berry in the container.  She says the one rotten berry must be removed right away or else it will cause all the other berries to become rotten.  It’s mysterious how the multitude of healthy berries cannot cause the one rotten berry to become healthy also. 

This is real life.  Oftentimes it takes one person with a bad attitude to ruin everyone else’s day.  When you plan a party or other special event, you take care to invite people who will enjoy the moment with you.  People who won’t complain about the food, be rude to other guests, hostile to the host or any other negative acts.  Most times, we can’t avoid people with bad attitudes.  They may be coworkers, family members or friends we come in contact with on a regular basis. 

Or maybe you are the person with the bad attitude.  You surely can’t uninvited yourself from a party.
We who call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ, MUST change nature.  We must be the multitude of healthy berries that makes the rotten berry good.  We must not shy away from negative people but seek them out in an effort to show them God’s love.  In order to do that, you must take a good look at yourself.  Evaluate what is inside of you.  Are you filled with resentment, rudeness, impatience, jealousy, low self-esteem?  Those aren’t attributes of a loving Christian.  Those aren’t characteristics of the Holy Spirit.  You must transform yourself before you can attempt to transform anyone else. 

I know I struggle to be the woman God wants me to be.  I get caught up in my emotions when I feel someone has mistreated me.  I hate to be disrespected or insulted.  I can’t stand when people are inconsiderate.  I know I need to get over all that and stop letting my emotions cause me to be upset.  I need to be happy even when I don’t feel like being happy.  I need to show love to people who do wrong to me.  I need to have a positive attitude at all times even when I am angry.

How is that possible?  Honestly, I have no idea.  I am still learning.  I am fasting, praying and studying the scripture until I figure it out.  And even after I figure it out, I am going to continue to fast, pray and study scripture so I never forget.

1 comment:

  1. Praise GOD! I absolutely love the way the LORD inspires you to inspire others 😍
