In recent times, Suicide is becoming a pretty hot topic in the media. While I have some pretty strong opinions on this topic myself, I am choosing to look to The Word for answers rather than shoot off at the mouth with my worthless opinions...
Judas Iscariot is described as one of the most vile human beings in the scriptures. Regardless of what anyone thinks of him, Judas was chosen by God and had a very specific purpose in Jesus' ministry. Jesus spent enough time with Judas to be able to assess who he was and how he would fit into God's plan. God often uses our weaknesses to show the world how strong He is.
There were multiple occasions when Jesus made it known that He was aware of Judas' unique purpose. On one occasion, Jesus was delivering a message about the bread of life. Many of His followers did not comprehend the message and became offended by Jesus' words. Many became argumentative and left. Jesus challenged the 12 by asking "You don't want to leave. Or do you?" He went on to add, "I chose you but one of you is a devil!" All the disciples were professionals. Judas was a professional con man. He was aware of his sins and weaknesses and camouflaged his true nature from his fellow disciples very well. He could not hide from Jesus. Jesus kept him on his toes by calling him out.
A week before The Last Supper, Jesus and the disciples went to a dinner party. The party was hosted by Lazarus, who had been raised from the dead, and his sisters. Mary, one of the sisters, poured perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair. Judas was upset by this action. He complained about wasting expensive perfume but we know that wasn't what he found offensive. After all, not one positive character trait had been used to describe Judas in the entire collection of The Gospels. Judas made an attempt to find fault in Jesus.
Jesus responded by defending Mary's actions. That didn't go over too well with Judas. For Jesus to come to the defense of a woman over His chosen disciple, no matter how big of a crook he was, that was offensive to Judas. Satan himself responded to take advantage of the opportunity to destroy Jesus. Judas met with the men who were plotting to kill Jesus. The chief priests and teachers of the law were thrilled at the opportunity to work with one of Jesus' disciples. They paid the professional con man well for his services.
At His final Passover meal, Jesus knew His time was running short. Jesus openly announced one of His beloved disciples was in fact an unfaithful back stabber. Jesus gave Judas permission to carry out his plan of betrayal. Judas was acting under Satan's deception but God used the evil deed for good. A group of soldiers, priests and Pharisees were led straight to Jesus. Judas identified Jesus under the dark veil of night and Jesus was arrested and later sentenced to death.
Judas Iscariot walk with Jesus for three years. He witnessed first hand many miracles. He heard Jesus' teachings, warnings and prophesies. Kindness and mercy was extended to Judas but he refused to accept it. The same way many of us refuse to receive God's kindness and mercy... Maybe you feel you don't deserve it. Maybe you just can't comprehend who God is and who you are in relation to Him. Maybe you are overwhelmed with guilt and regret from a lifetime of bad decisions.
Judas chose to take his own life rather than repent for his sins. he did not seek reconciliation with God for His betrayal. Jesus clearly requested God's forgiveness on behalf of those who betrayed Him because they where lost and unaware. Those three years had no impact on Judas because he was unable to see past the worst parts of himself and receive the gift of salvation from God. Jesus taught forgiveness yet Judas was unable to forgive himself. He just could not fathom a God who loves without limits or conditions. I, me, myself am 100% convinced of this fact - that there is absolutely nothing that can separate me from God's love. There is nothing that can separate you from the love of your Father.
There is so much evil in this world. It has the ability to overwhelm us all just like it did Judas. none of us is perfect or innocent. We have all done things that have caused shame and regret.
The good news is, there is hope!
Hope is not found in people, places and things. Hope is not found in achievements, wealth, or relationships. I had to learn that myself the hard way, feeling hopeless and lost when I wanted things to give me a feeling that they were not capable of providing me.
I found hope in The Lord. He has big plans for me. Plans for a future filled with hope and prosperity! He saved me from death through His Word. Prayer and meditation on His Word was the only prescription that worked to keep me alive. Through Him, I have faith in what I cannot see with my natural eyes and I am confident He is working in my favor. I do not allow the shadow of death that looms over me to have any power. I choose to live and walk in faith that God is bigger than any temptation to relieve suffering through premature death.
You must choose to see yourself the way God sees you. You must live. After all, you are worth dying for...
My LORD, my LORD, my LORD. Thank you for such a child as this!!! If it's okay with you, I would like to share this blog letter with my congregation. Let me know if it is okay.