Monday, December 28, 2015

Hail Mary

Since becoming a parent, I developed a deep respect and admiration for Mary - Jesus' mother.  I have read about her in scriptures and books.  Every year when Christmas comes around, I look for postage stamps which bear her image.  The more I learn of her, the more I aspire to have the great qualities she possessed.  She is the epitome of motherhood and a woman who lives a life pleasing to God.
I think of how mature and faithful Mary must have been to be chosen by God to be the mother of our Savior.  At such a young age, she exemplified every characteristic a godly woman should possess.  When she received the message that she would have a child, even though she was an unmarried virgin, she did not fear earthly consequences or challenge God's messenger.  She trusted in God completely and was willing to accept whatever He had in store for her life. 

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In recent weeks, I noticed something about Mary's story I had never picked up on before.  It is actually a very significant detail which, in my opinion, illustrates what an amazing woman she was.  Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem to participate in a census.  The journey from their home in Nazareth was approximately 80 miles and took nearly a week to arrive at the destination on foot.  Upon their arrival, the town of Bethlehem was overwhelmed with visitors who were also participating in the census.  Joseph searched high and low for shelter for his wife and unborn son with no luck.  Well, I take that back.  He was able to find shelter in a barn.  Mary gave birth to Jesus in that barn and wrapped him up in rags. 
I am in my last trimester of pregnancy and I immediately became bombarded with images and thoughts of how horrible that trip was for Mary.  She rode on a donkey for several days over rough terrain.  Upon arrival to Bethlehem, she was not able to rest in a nice hotel.  She had to sleep in a barn surrounded by stinky, loud animals!  She didn't have a nice nursery set up for her son or even a somewhat sanitary environment to give birth.  Through all that, I could only imagine what my reaction would have been.  I know for sure I would have been very unhappy with Joseph for bringing me all that way and have no lodging set up, knowing good and well I was expecting our first child.  I would have been fussing and complaining and crying and probably even cursing.  After all that misery, I would have been on the first thing smoking right back to Nazareth and have that marriage annulled.  And for this reason alone, I know why God didn't choose me to be Jesus' mom.  The scriptures never illustrate her as nagging or expressing any type of disappointment.  Mary didn't complain to Joseph and she didn't question God.  She remained strong in her faith that God would take care of them and He always did.
In the scripture passages about Mary, she is always described as someone who thinks things through before reacting.  Mary doesn't speak a lot but when she does, she speaks with wisdom.  Mary was chosen to be the mother of our Savior because she was 100% focused on living a life pleasing to God.  I can't recall ever reading about her doing or saying something foolish in a moment of weakness.  Even as she stood by and watched her Son being tortured and murdered, she cried because He had to suffer but she let God's perfect plan come to pass and did not interfere.  In the past, I would only think of the prestige and honor that came with being Jesus' mother but the more I think about it, the more I know her life must have been extremely tough to bear so much pain and adversity.  I am thankful that God, in His infinite and perfect wisdom, knew to choose Mary to be Jesus' mother.  If not for her, Jesus wouldn't have stood a chance in this world.  Mary, with the assistance of Joseph, were great examples of godliness for Jesus to emulate.  Mary and Joseph can be examples for us as well, for how we should be as parents and as believers.
In this last blog entry for 2015, I want to leave you with this question to ponder: "What am I doing to prepare myself for God's big plan for my life?"  God uses all of us- good, bad and indifferent - to fulfill His plans.  Is your destiny one that will be in history books someday for achieving something great?  Or will your legacy be one remembered in horror?  Or will people forget about you altogether the moment you pass away from this life?  I know I want God to use me to achieve great things.  As I grow closer to Him, I listen to His voice and follow His instructions.  I pray that God will use me to do great things that will bring people closer to Him.  I pray that God will let my light shine as bright as the sun.  As this year draws to a close, I know 2016 will have more exciting adventures for me as I walk along this path God has chosen for me.  I look forward to sharing all those adventures with you as you continue to walk along your path too!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Gills and Tails

Whenever I read news articles or browse through social media, I am bombarded with so much negativity that I feel disgusted.  Like literally, sick to my stomach.  There is so much that goes on in this world we live in that is considered normal and acceptable but makes absolutely no logical sense to me.  The evil acts people commit against each other is very disturbing to me.  The manner in which governments and businesses are allowed to run is completely shameful.  The amount of foolishness and ignorance that people display makes me want to leave this planet either by rapture or be shot into outer space.  I honestly feel like I don’t belong here…

As I laid in my bed and pondered these things, two men from the Old Testament came to mind: Lot and Daniel.  What can the stories of these two men teach me to help encourage me in this messy world I live in?  Well, first of all, they both relocated to places where they did not belong.  Lot willingly relocated to Sodom and Gomorrah while Daniel and other citizens of Judah were taken into captivity by Babylonians.  Both men observed the ways of the people in the new land in which they lived and found their lifestyles were quite contrary to that of the natives.  Both men refused to participate in the behaviors and customs of the new land in which they lived.  In exchange, God had mercy on them and spared their lives from life/death situations.        
As I read their stories, it reminded me that in this life, we are called to stand out.  To be a light.  To avoid conforming to the ways of this world.  We are called to inspire, to lead, to uplift, to minister, to witness, to testify, to be strong in faith, to be of good character, to be patient and loving towards our neighbors and to bring the lost into the light we found in Jesus Christ on the day of our salvation.  So maybe I feel like an alien in this world but there is a reason I feel that way.  I am suppose to ignite change in this world to help make it a better place!  Most of all, I need not fear consequences of this world because my God will protect me as I fulfill my destiny, walking in His good and perfect will for my life.

Are you utterly disgusted by what is taking place in your world?  Do not stand in complacency and watch it be destroyed!  Do not be overwhelmed by the pressures and temptations that come your way!  You can be an instrument of change in your world!  When you see someone making bad choices, counsel them in love to make wise decisions.  When you see injustice and inequality, work towards social change.  Be the change that makes this world a place were we can all feel we belong.